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The Neîos Longevity Program
How it Works:

At Neîos, we provide an innovative personalized health assessment aimed at crafting an individualized longevity strategy for each client. Through our Neîos Comprehensive Health Evaluation, we employ cutting-edge diagnostics to grasp your distinct biological makeup, informing our tailored treatment approaches. Following treatment, we conduct a thorough health reassessment to accurately gauge advancements and enhance your path to longevity. Our goal is to support you on your journey to living a longer, healthier life. A New You begins here!
Included in Our Evaluation:
One-on-one meetings with our skilled team of professionals.
Examination of body composition including analysis of stability and movement capabilities, providing a comprehensive physical assessment.
Extensive blood tests to delve into your overall physiological well-being.
State-of-the-art body imaging techniques such as MRI scans, offering detailed perspectives on general health and bodily functions.
Thorough cognitive evaluations to assess any traumatic brain injury or altered mental status.

Other Advanced Diagnostics:
Complete genetic sequencing for personalized health understanding.
Detection of heavy metals and other toxins.
Telomere and VO2 testing to monitor longevity.
Embark on a personalized health journey tailored to your specific needs with Neîos. Utilizing the latest in traditional and holistic medicine along with state-of-the-art technology and protocols, we strive for transformative outcomes in longevity.

EN | Longevity with Dr. Raj
ES | Longevidad con Dr. Raj

The transformative path at Neîos is crafted through a carefully curated program reflecting our unique perspective on holistic well-being. At the heart of our philosophy lies the incorporation of exclusive treatments including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), red light and laser therapies, shockwave therapy, IV treatments, peptides, biologics therapies, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, and much more. Together, these elements comprise the essence of the Neîos, demonstrating our dedication to nurturing enduring longevity transformations.

Post Assessment:
By utilizing sophisticated analytics and conducting a comprehensive review of your medical background, we acquire profound insights into your health condition and biological age. This extensive dataset forms the basis for crafting a personalized treatment strategy, continuously adjusted to optimize your advancement along the way.
The Neîos Longevity Program program aims to deliver high quality life improvements metrics that are not only felt, but measured and seen. Our high quality biological testing methodologies will provide clarity and confidence in the health changes being made.

Neîos Follow-Up:
We remain dedicated to your well-being even after you've completed your initial treatment. We will stay actively involved in your health and performance journey.